
Published: October 14, 2017

What Does Self-Insemination Mean?

Self-insemination is a method of introducing sperm into the vagina in hopes that it will travel to the uterus and fertilize an egg. It is performed outside of the clinic setting. Self-insemination involves inserting a syringe full of semen into the vagina and administering it in the direction of the cervix.

Self-insemination is also called do-it-yourself insemination (DYI insemination), at-home insemination, and the turkey baster method.

FertilitySmarts Explains Self-Insemination

Women who wish to become pregnant on their own, lesbian couples and heterosexual couples in which a man has difficulty ejaculating in the vagina may choose to try self-insemination.

Self-insemination is done using a home insemination kit, including a syringe and a sample of either fresh or frozen semen. In order to perform a self-insemination, frozen semen must be thawed to room temperature. A needless syringe is then used to draw up the semen.

A woman then lies down and locates her cervix using her fingers. She then places the syringe full of semen into her vagina and presses down on the plunger to administer the semen in the direction of the top of her cervix.

After inserting the semen she should remain laying down and elevate her hips to assist the sperm in traveling into the uterus. Having a non-penetrative orgasm can also aid in fertilization as the contractions help sperm enter through the cervix into the uterus.

This procedure is sometimes referred to as the turkey baster method. This term likens the needless syringe inserted into the vagina to deliver semen to a turkey baster.

Self-insemination should be done at the time of ovulation in order to potentially result in a successful pregnancy.


Do-It-Yourself Insemination (DIY Insemination)

At Home Insemination

Turkey Baster Method

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