Jennifer "Jay" Palumbo Contributor Bio - FertilitySmarts

Jennifer "Jay" Palumbo

Award-Winning Blogger & Infertility Advocate


Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo is a freelance writer, infertility and women’s rights advocate, former stand-up comic, author of the blog The 2 Week Wait, and proud IVF Mom. Her blog was awarded the Hope Award for Best Blog, from RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, which is voted on by the infertility community and recognizes a blog that raises awareness about the disease of infertility. She has also been being recognized with a RESOLVE Infertility Social Warrior Award. Her articles have been featured on Time magazine, Huffington Post, and ScaryMommy, and she has been interviewed on news outlets such as CNN, NPR, and BBC, where she has demonstrated her ability to make even reproductive issues fun and educational.

Articles by Jennifer "Jay" Palumbo

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